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will 1
(wĭl)will 2
(wɪl)auxiliary v.andv., pres. will; auxiliary verb.
willShall and will are used to make statements and ask questions about the future.
Shall and will are not usually pronounced in full after a pronoun. When writing down what someone has said, the contraction 'll is usually used after the pronoun, instead of writing shall or will in full.
Shall and will have the negative forms shall not and will not. In speech, these are usually shortened to shan't /ʃɑːnt/ and won't /wəʊnt/. Shan't is rather old-fashioned, and is rarely used in American English.
It used to be considered correct to write shall after I or we, and will after any other pronoun or noun phrase. Now, most people write will after I and we, and this is not regarded as incorrect, although I shall and we shall are still sometimes used.
There are a few special cases in which you use shall, rather than 'will':
You can make a suggestion about what you and someone else should do by asking a question beginning with 'Shall we...?'
You can also suggest what you and someone else should do by using a sentence that begins with 'Let's...' and ends with '...shall we?'
You can use shall I or shall we when you are asking for suggestions or advice.
You can say 'Shall I... ?' when you are offering to do something.
Will also has some special uses:
You can use will you to make a request.
You can also use will you or the negative form won't you to make an invitation. Won't you is very formal and polite.
Will is sometimes used to say that someone or something is able to do something.
Be Careful!
You don't normally use 'shall' or 'will' in clauses beginning with words and expressions such as when, before, or as soon as. Instead you use the present simple. Don't say, for example, 'I'll call as soon as I shall get home'. Say 'I'll call as soon as I get home'.
Past participle: willed
Gerund: willing
Imperative |
will |
will |
Noun | 1. | ![]() velleity - volition in its weakest form |
2. | will - a fixed and persistent intent or purpose; "where there's a will there's a way" aim, intent, intention, purpose, design - an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs" | |
3. | will - a legal document declaring a person's wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die Old Testament - the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible New Testament - the collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Revelation; composed soon after Christ's death; the second half of the Christian Bible legal document, legal instrument, official document, instrument - (law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right codicil - a supplement to a will; a testamentary instrument intended to alter an already executed will law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order" devise - a will disposing of real property | |
Verb | 1. | will - decree or ordain; "God wills our existence" ordain - issue an order |
2. | will - determine by choice; "This action was willed and intended" decide, make up one's mind, determine - reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations" | |
3. | will - leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate" leave behind, leave - be survived by after one's death; "He left six children"; "At her death, she left behind her husband and 11 cats" devise - give by will, especially real property pass on - give to or transfer possession of; "She passed the family jewels on to her daughter-in-law" impart, pass on, give, leave - transmit (knowledge or skills); "give a secret to the Russians"; "leave your name and address here"; "impart a new skill to the students" remember - show appreciation to; "He remembered her in his will" |
"Where there's a will there's a way"
1 [wɪl] (would (pt))I will or I'll have finished it by tomorrow → lo habré terminado para mañana
"you won't lose it, will you?" → no lo perderás ¿verdad?; (stronger) → no lo vayas a perder
you will come to see us, won't you? → vendrás a vernos, ¿no?
it won't take long → no llevará mucho tiempo
we'll probably go out later → seguramente saldremos luego
I'll always love you → te querré siempre
what will you do? → ¿qué vas a hacer?
we'll be having lunch late → vamos a comer tarde
we'll talk about it later → hablamos luego
she'll be about 50 → tendrá como 50 años
that will be the postman → será el cartero
will you be quiet! → ¿te quieres callar?
he will have none of it → no quiere ni siquiera pensarlo
"I won't go" - "oh yes you will" → -no voy -¿cómo que no?
I will not or I won't put up with it! → ¡no lo voy a consentir!
I will not have it that → no permito que se diga que ... + subjun
I will (marriage service) → sí quiero
will you help me? → ¿me ayudas?
wait a moment, will you? → espera un momento, ¿quieres?
will you have some tea? → ¿quieres tomar un té?
will you sit down? → ¿quiere usted sentarse?, tome usted asiento (more frm)
won't you come with us? → ¿no quieres venir con nosotros?
Tom won't help me → Tom no me quiere ayudar
she will read for hours on end → suele leer or acostumbra a leer durante horas y horas
accidents will happen → son cosas que pasan
boys will be boys → así son los chicos
he will keep leaving the door open → siempre tiene que dejar la puerta abierta
if you will eat so much, you can hardly expect to be slim → si insistes en comer tanto, no pensarás adelgazar
the car will cruise at 100mph → el coche podrá alcanzar las 100 millas por hora
a man who will do that will do anything → un hombre que es capaz de eso es capaz de todo
(just) as you will! → ¡como quieras!
if God wills → si lo quiere Dios
say what you will → di lo que quieras
do as you will → haz lo que quieras, haz lo que te parezca bien
look where you will, you won't find one → mires donde mires, no vas a encontrar uno
2 [wɪl]against sb's will → contra la voluntad de algn
at will → a voluntad
to do sb's will → hacer la voluntad de algn
Thy will be done → hágase tu voluntad
to do sth of one's own free will → hacer algo por voluntad propia
the will of God → la voluntad de Dios
iron will, will of iron → voluntad f de hierro
to have a will of one's own → tener voluntad propia
it is my will that you should do it (frm) → quiero que lo hagas
the will to win/live → el deseo de ganar/vivir
to work with a will → trabajar con ahinco
with the best will in the world → por mucho que se quiera
where there's a will there's a way → querer es poder
see also ill A2
the last will and testament of → la última voluntad de ...
to make a will → hacer testamento
he willed himself to stay awake → consiguió quedarse despierto a fuerza de voluntad
I was willing you to win → estaba deseando que ganaras
[ˈwɪl]I looked at the phone, willing it to ring → J'ai regardé le téléphone, souhaitant ardemment qu'il sonne.
He willed himself to go on
BUT Il s'obligea à continuer.
I will finish it tomorrow → Je le finirai demain.
I will have finished it by tomorrow → Je l'aurai fini d'ici demain.
It won't take long → Ça ne prendra pas longtemps.
He will be there by now → Il doit être arrivé à l'heure qu'il est.
That will be the postman → Ça doit être le facteur.
Will you help me? → M'aiderez-vous?
Will you do it? - Yes, I will → Le ferez-vous? - Oui.
Will you wash up? - No, I won't → Tu laveras la vaisselle? - Non.
Will you have a cup of tea? → Prendrez-vous une tasse de thé?
Will you be quiet! → Voulez-vous bien vous taire!
You won't lose it, will you? → Vous ne le perdrez pas, n'est-ce pas?
I'll show you your room → Je vais te montrer ta chambre.
I'll give you a hand → Je vais t'aider.
I won't put up with it! → Je ne le tolérerai pas!
to do sth of one's own free will → faire qch de son propre gré
against one's will → contre son gré
He left me some money in his will → Il m'a laissé de l'argent dans son testament.
1 pret <would>will
2 [wɪl]to have a will of one's own → avere una volontà indipendente
to do sth of one's own free will → fare qc di propria volontà
the will to win/live → la voglia di vincere/vivere
against sb's will → contro la volontà or il volere di qn
at will → a volontà
to work with a will → lavorare di buona lena
with the best will in the world → con tutta la più buona volontà del mondo
where there's a will there's a way → volere è potere
the last will and testament of → le ultime volontà di
to make a will → fare testamento